Date: August 16, 2710, 8:31:45
To: All A-3 Workers
From: Dr. Lilithe S. D’Adame, Quality Control Engineer (A-2)
Subject: Procedure for Top Secret Recipe Modification for A-hh (For A-3 [and above] eyes only)
Please pack a suitcase for two weeks and report to your work station immediately. Further orders will be awaiting you. Some basic information is offered below.
Background: Based on new research regarding optimal nutrition, the recipe for basic A-hh has been slightly modified to include some additional vitamins and a small amount of animal protein. Over the last 50 years, the population overall has become physically weaker from the all-plant protein/carbohydrate formula. As a consequence, we have noted an overall decline in citizen production and a 5% rise in the average citizen’s weight.
In a five-year experiment conducted on exiled prisoners living in Corpus Delicious East, A-2 scientists added a small percentage of animal protein to the recipients’ A-hh allotment and discovered that their productivity increased by 20% and their weight dropped by 10%.
The law mandating the addition of animal protein has been extremely controversial among A-2 staff, but the decision has been made by the A-1 Board and is non-negotiable.
I need not tell you that if this information were to be leaked to the general population, it could cause chaos of the highest order. Thus, you are under orders to comply fully with the manufacture of the modified A-hh without arousing suspicion among the masses.
Therefore, by August 30, 2710, all factory machinery must be modified to accommodate these changes, so mandatory overtime will be necessary. All A-2 and A-3 workers will be required to spend the next two weeks on site, where special accommodations have been set up for you. You will tell your family members that your absence from home is a result of major changes in factory infrastructure, which is absolutely true.
All Lunch Dates are suspended until further notice. However, after the extended work day, special late-evening Dinner Dates will be allowed on site, but A-3 workers may dine only with other A-3 workers and for no more than one hour each evening. You may not dine with anyone off site, and non-employees will NOT be allowed on site.
Once the machinery and formula have been modified, life will return to normal, and you will be free to return home each evening after work.
A-3 tasters and colorists will meet today, at 14:00, in the amphitheater. These groups MUST attend this important meeting. You may not be aware of this, but animal protein has a distinctive “taste,” odor, and color, so the bouquet of A-hh must be modified in order to avoid panic among the population. An off-taste, odor, or color could create societal chaos.
Machinists will meet today, at 12:00, in the Great Work Room; bring all your hand tools.
As you are aware, these new ingredients are for the basic formula only, and, as per government policy, the secret ingredient is never revealed to anyone but the A-1 Board.
Here are the ingredients for the basic formula (based on nutrients needed per day, which varies for each individual, specific specs calculated by Government Nutrition Office and dispensed directly to the consumer):
-- 20% animal protein* powder (type of animal protein is classified)Vitamins and Minerals:
-- 30% plant protein powder (type of plant protein is classified)
-- 45% carbohydrate powder (type of plant carbohydrate is classified)
-- 5% top secret powder
-- Vitamin A, 5,000 IU, 100%*Our scientists believe that the added animal protein and 4 extra mcg of Vitamin B12 will revitalize our citizens, help overall productivity, and, ultimately, pump up our slow economy.
-- Vitamin C, 60 mg, 100%
-- Vitamin D, 400 IU, 100%
-- Vitamin E, 25 IU, 100%
-- Vitamin K, 80 mcg, 100%
-- Thiamin, 1.5 mg, 100%
-- Riboflavin, 2.7 mg, 100%
-- Niacin, 20 mg, 100%
-- Vitamin B6, 2 mg, 100%
-- Folic Acid, 400 mcg, 100%
-- Vitamin B12, 10 mcg, 150%*
-- Biotin, 300 mcg, 100%
-- Pantothenic Acid, 10 mg, 100%
-- Calcium, 1,000 mg, 100%
-- Iron (Varies, depending on gender, physical condition, and age)
-- Iodine, 150 mcg, 100%
-- Magnesium, 400 mg, 100%
-- Zinc, 15 mg, 100%
-- Selenium, 65 mcg, 100%
-- Copper, 2mg, 100%
-- Manganese, 2 mg, 100%
-- Chromium, 120 mcg, 100%
-- Molybdenum, 70 mcg, 100%
-- Classified supplements
Note: customized A-hh, which could include supplements, such as contraceptives, fertility supplements, medical prescriptions, and/or other special additives, occurs later in production by The Special Formula Department, NOT during this part of this project.
The next two weeks will be busy, but the rewards will be great. If we finish our project on time and accurately, each worker will receive a 100% bonus and an extended Lunch hour on or after September 1.
As always, treat the contents of this memo with the greatest of discretion by committing this sensitive information to memory; this file will self-destruct within 30 minutes.
Do not share or discuss this info with anyone holding A-4 credentials and lower. Leakers and illegal data miners/snoops receiving this information will be subject to additional penalties, including permanent exile in Antarctica and, perhaps, even death. In the interest of National Security, even innocent leakees will be exiled to a satellite province, most likely to Corpus Delicious West.
Corpus Delicious is copyright 2009-present (Jennifer Semple Siegel), and may not be reposted or republished without permission from the author.
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